Benvenuto Cellini's Self Portrait

The Discovery

Benvenuto Cellini, renowned for his extraordinary skills in goldsmithing and sculpting and his page-turning autobiography, La Vita, during 16th century Italy, has long been celebrated for his talents. However, a discovery in 2004 of one of his portraits has unveiled a previously unknown facet of his genius— he was also a masterful painter. This revelation adds a new dimension to his already impressive oeuvre. The newfound recognition of Cellini's abilities as a painter sheds light on his remarkable versatility and expands our appreciation of his artistic legacy. 


Benvenuto Cellini, Self-Portrait, 61 x 48 cm, Oil on Paper and Canvas, Cellini Art Fund

In 2004, a significant discovery was made when Benvenuto Cellini's self-portrait resurfaced. Since then, this painting has been researched and studied by the world's most eminent art historians hailing from Italy, the U.K., and France. It stands as the sole known painted self-portrait executed by Cellini's hand. Intriguing historical records reveal that the portrait once adorned Cellini's entrance hall, as noted in the notary's ledger of his estate upon his death in 1571. Art historians have used this self-portrait to uncover the fact that Cellini had incorporated his self-portraits into many of his works. This secret remained unknown for centuries, as the field of art history had lost knowledge of Cellini's facial features. The self-portrait not only provides a visual representation of the artist himself but also acts as a gateway to unravelling the enigmatic presence of Cellini's self-portraits throughout his creations. It represents an extraordinary rediscovery and rekindles our understanding of Cellini.



Condition Report

Dr Walden is a respected conservator and restorer at the Louvre Museum and a Fellow of the International Institute of Conservation.



An exploration of the relationship between the portrait and Benvenuto Cellini's wider artistic oeuvre in an academic context


Stylistic Analysis 

The expertise is brought to you by Dr Analisa Di Maria and Dr Andrea Da Montefeltro, both members of the Centro per l'UNESCO in Florence, Italy.


Multispectral Analysis 

Multispectral analysis provides a unique perspective on the portrait by revealing details that are not visible to the naked eye

As seen in 


A Timeline of Events



Discovered in 2004 in Fayence, the portrait was purchased as an unknown painting.


Preliminary Study of the portrait

Studied by eminent laboratories and conservators in France including pigment analyses and x-ray carried out by laboratories that work with the Louvre museum, confirmed the painting is dated from the 16th century.


Anthropological Study 

Dr. Raoul Perrot, a distinguished forensic anthropologist, has pioneered a revolutionary method for identifying sitters in paintings by studying the portrait. Through his expertise, we gain profound insights into Cellini's oeuvre, including the remarkable ability to unlock long-lost knowledge about Benvenuto Cellini's face.


Studied By Dr. Sarah Walden

The painting undergoes extensive study by Dr Sarah Walden, a conservator and restorer at the Louvre Museum and a Fellow of the International Institute of Conservation, producing a condition report which further confirms previous scientific conclusions about the portrait's dating to the 16th century.


 Unveiled in Italy and Fund created 

In commemoration of the 450th year since Cellini's death, we proudly unveiled the portrait on Italian soil. The momentous occasion took place at a broadcasted conference held at the prestigious Palazzo di Gran Guardia in Verona, Italy. This event served as a tribute to Cellini's legacy and brought together experts, art enthusiasts, and a global audience to witness the unveiling of the portrait in all its glory. The portrait was ceremoniously handed over to the fund.


Cellini Art Fund Diversifies Activity

In 2023, the Cellini Art Fund embarked on a strategic expansion, diversifying its activities to encompass blockchain, media, and audiovisual projects, including films and TV series. This bold step not only provides the fund with a unique advantage but also aligns perfectly with our mission to make art more accessible to all and foster increased cultural awareness worldwide.