More than an art fund

Cellini Art Fund S.p.A, a joint-stock company based in Verona, Italy, operates in four distinct sectors: film, art, media, and blockchain. It aims to diversify and share art knowledge by integrating these industries. Besides preserving a collection of Old Master artworks, the fund has ventured into film production, launching art-focused documentaries since 2023. Aligned with progressive European Union legislation, it actively develops security tokens to broaden investment opportunities.


What we're up to

We are currently producing a docu-series project titled "Tarocchi E Racconti." Spanning 12 episodes, each lasting 26 minutes, this series delves into the origins of the Tarot and its profound significance in the realm of art history.
● The Cellini Art Fund S.p.A. is developing the opportunity to offer shares backed by tangible assets, such as Benvenuto Cellini's self-portrait and rights to documentary films. Stay tuned for further updates as we bring this innovative investment opportunity to fruition, which would allow to tokenize assets without NFTs.
● We support art media projects online dedicated to making art history more accessible to all.

Film and Media Production

We specialize in directing, producing, and managing post-production processes for films and documentaries that explore the fascinating world of art history. Our first project delves into the history of Tarot cards, while our second project focuses on Leonardo Da Vinci.


We proudly announce that we have become the first Italian production house to raise funds for our film project through security tokenization. This innovative approach has brought a new method to the often challenging task of fundraising in the filmmaking industry. Take a look at our case study to learn more about how you can participate.

Support for Creators

We offer resources to provide media support and guidance to talented creators in the art industry, nurturing their skills and facilitating their professional development.

Art Asset Management

The Cellini Art Fund is responsible for managing and preserving a significant collection of old master artworks. In order to encourage academic discourse and promote art knowledge, we host art events and partner with academic institutions to enhance the appreciation of art.

Our mission is simple yet profound: to weave together the worlds of film, media, art, and blockchain in innovative and unexpected ways, sparking a global conversation about art history. At Cellini Art Fund, we're not just preserving the past; we're reimagining how it's shared, understood, and enjoyed. Through out-of-the-box thinking, we're ensuring that the story of art remains a vibrant part of the human experience.

Mission Statement

Who we are

Our team proudly consists of experienced business professionals, up-and-coming creatives, respected art historians, and prominent figures in the cryptocurrency industry. Together, we have developed an innovative art fund that incorporates blockchain, all within a secure and regulated framework. Unlike many other cryptocurrency initiatives, our fund undergoes thorough audits conducted by certified authorities located in Italy.


Leonardo Rovani


Leonardo's passion for cinematography and his deep love for art history have led him to pursue a career as a documentary filmmaker. Having the opportunity to present subjects of profound cultural value to an interested audience through the power of audio-visual storytelling has become a calling for him.


Oleg Nasobin

State Expert Art Historian

Oleg, having resided in Europe for over three decades, has successfully nurtured and developed businesses while concurrently pursuing a career in art and film. His extensive experience includes working with renowned companies such as Warner Brothers, BBC, and Amazon Prime Productions.


Sergey Kurnaev

Blockchain Architect

Sergey is a seasoned crypto expert passionate about blockchain. With years of experience in exchanges, banks, trading, mining, and loans, he contributes valuable insights to the crypto community. Sergey's dedication to decentralization and blockchain study fuels his continuous growth in this dynamic field.

Contact Us


Viale del Lavoro 53Verona 37135 (VR)Italy

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